2022-11-20 00:00 — 2022-11-20 12:50
11 hours, 50 minutes

  • 📍 Location: @naturli_no, the producer of vegetarian meat alternatives, just opened an eatery at the heart of Løkka. Interior is spacious, charming and gives a warm impression, even though the actual indoor temperature required us to eat with our jackets on.
  • 😋 Food: We had a hot mama (vegetarian) burger with avocado, spicy mayo and toasted almonds. And a rye sandwich with pickled onions, alfalfa and some meat and feta substitutes. Tasty food! 👌
  • ☕️ Coffee: Cortado and black coffee was good.
  • 💸 Value: With the 50% opening discount (register with their app) our total was 216.50 kr for two mains, two juices and two coffees 👌