Gunnars Generasjonsbar

2023-01-08 12:37 — 2023-01-08 12:00
23 minutes

  • 📍 Location: Neon lights, loud acoustics, relatively smallish place with friendly and hipster waitstaff. It’s a popular place so book in advance. They have a backyard open when the weather is warmer. @generasjonsbaren
  • 😋 Food: We had classic poached eggs benedict with avocado and hollandaise, American spicy chicken and waffles and a dessert called “Crazy shit you can’t comprehend” which was a chocolate cake, chocolate mousse, shaved ice, juice reduction and pickled cherries. All in all pretty good! 😋
  • ☕️ Coffee: Excellent black coffee with optional full fat milk. No espresso or plant milk options.
  • 💸 Value: About 650 for two mains, two coffees and a dessert.